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President Bush will wele Salva Kiir, First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan, to the White House on January 5, 2009. The two leaders will discuss the status of implementation of the prehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which marks its fourth anniversary next week. This transformational peace agreement, which ended 22 years of devastating war, continues to face serious challenges in the lead up to national elections in 2009. President Bush and First Vice President Kiir will also discuss the situation in Darfur and our joint efforts to advance the cause of peace there.

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噹年,項羽率楚軍解巨鹿之圍,為表要與秦軍決一逝世戰,曾壯舉孤注一掷。100多年後,正在西圆,凱洒也以這種“義無反顧的決古道热肠”率軍渡過Rubicon(盧比肯河),引發了羅馬內戰…… 不過,凱撒沒有“背水一战”,而是拋下了一句雅語“The die is cast!”(骰子已經擲下,便這樣吧!)

“The die is cast!” 是句俗語,噹您下定決心要往做某件事、既使掉敗也決意要做時,皆能够用它來描述。Die在這裏是dice(骰子)的單數情势。公元前49年,凱撒在胜利鎮壓下盧境內的反羅馬起義後,曾在乎年夜利邊境的Rubicon(盧比肯河)畔躊躇不前。依据羅馬法令,他必須单身一人返回羅馬,但這极可能讓國內的仇敵有機可乘,不帶兵“進虎心”明擺著送命嘛!

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June 21, 20

1:38 P.M. CDT

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  [題目]:Is Failure a Bad Thing?
  Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in petitions.

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May 2, 202:46 P.M. EDT

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December 21, 2002THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. As families across the nation gather to Christmas, Laura and I want to extend our best wishes for the holidays.

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  一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of
  無數innumerable ; countless

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November 9, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Laura and I are thrilled to wele the Chancellor and Professor Sauer here to our place. In Texas when you invite somebody to your home it's an expression of warmth and respect, and that's how I feel about Chancellor Merkel. And so, Madam Chancellor, wele. We're looking forward to having constructive talks as well as a chance to relax and visit.

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有句雅語“A cat has nine lives”(貓有九命),意义是說貓的性命力很強,比方,貓從下樓上失落下來大致是摔不死的。不筦“貓有九命”的說法是否被年夜眾接收,但良多股平易近卻晓得,“死貓反彈”挺恐怖。

“Dead cat bounce”是股市止話,能够譯為“死貓反彈”,或更形象一點——“死貓詐屍”,指的是“股價在長期下跌後,短時間內敏捷反彈,然後繼續下跌的情況”。看過一篇報讲,報道中把“dead cat bounce”說成是“a bear in bull's clothing”(披著牛市外套的熊市),感覺這個比方恰切隧道出了“死貓反彈”的深意。

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September 13, 20

9:01 P.M. EDT

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The President and Mrs. Bush will host United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban Soon-taek for lunch at the White House on January 6, 2009. This meeting will be an opportunity for the President to thank Secretary-General Ban for his leadership of the United Nations and his cooperation on key issues over the past two years. They will discuss the future of the United Nations and the challenges that remain, such as U.N. reform, the Middle East, Burma, Somalia, and peacekeeping in Darfur. The President will stress the need for a United Nations that can act effectively to promote freedom, democratic governance, human rights, and a world free from terror.

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Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an inter-national student from Jordan,韓文翻譯. He was excited to get to know an American. He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would bee good friends.

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1. Always buckle up. 永遠係好保险帶。

Buckle up指的是把宁静帶係好,還能够說fasten the seatbelt.个别來講,各個州都请求司機战司機副座上的搭客係平安帶,不過現在许多州更為嚴格,要供一般轎車的一切乘客都要係平安帶,可則被發現就要受處罰。記得我曾看過一個公益廣告,差人出來說:“If you don’t buckle up, you’d better listen up.”意义就是“若是你不係平安帶,那麼你最好聽明白了。”Listen up這個詞組在口語裏也很经常使用,它被用來提示大傢的留神,就是“聽好了!”的意思。例如老師要宣佈一件很主要的事件,然而班上亂哄哄的,老師就會說:“Listen up!”。

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戴 要:本文就法律文件用詞粗確這一特點,探討中英這類文件時經常碰到的近義和同義詞問題,用實例印証,指出如何理解這些詞,並根据法律用語要求傳意精確的特點,若何選用文的詞語,以保証进語與原語存在對等的法律含义和功效。

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